So on the first weekend of September, Troy and I went up to Columbia with the Lerchs to get food storage. I have never been to the cannery before but I had a lot of fun. We were able to can wheat, rice, beans, oats, and sugar. They also let us take a peek into the Bishop's storehouse and talked to us about the church welfare program. It is amazing! I think the guy even said the church has the biggest cattle ranch in the U.S. Has anyone else heard this? Afterwards we went out to eat at Chili's and did a little shopping. I am trying to get a 1-year food supply a little at a time. So far I have met the basic requirement for salt, sugar, wheat, oats, and rice. I am also working on adding extra things as they come on sale. For example, Publix always has buy 1 get 1 free's, so I have added some salsa, spaghetti sauce, peanut butter, ketchup, and honey. I also canned some blueberry jam. I meant to get peaches and can those this summer, but I never had time to do that. Hopefully I can do it next summer. Also soon I want to start working on emergency supplies, such as flashlights, batteries, etc. I had posted a link to a blog that is all about food storage, and they have tips on everything!